
Work of the NJR Committees

2018/19 NJR Steering Committee - Laurel Powers-Freeling

This section provides brief outlines of the work undertaken by the NJR Steering Committee (NJRSC) and its sub-committees during 2018/19. Although brief, these sections are written with the intent of demonstrating the ever-increasing scope of the registry’s work and the valuable commitment made by all committee members to meet the needs of orthopaedic and patient stakeholders.

Structure, Governance and Operating Model:

The NJRSC is designated as a NHS England ‘Committee of Experts’  and is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the NJR and overseeing its work. It also oversees a supporting structure of 9 standing sub-committees, ensuring delivery of objectives and work plans from each. Key responsibilities of the NJRSC are to ensure that:

• The NJR budget is effectively managed/monitored;

• NJR work is appropriately aligned to the NJR Strategic and Annual Plan objectives;

• Outcomes achieved by brand of prostheses, hospital and surgeon are monitored and if  these fall below expected performance,  are highlighted to enable prompt investigation and follow-up by relevant manufacturers, regulators, commissioners and providers of orthopaedic care;

• Appropriate stakeholders, for example patients, clinicians, providers and commissioners of healthcare, regulators and implant suppliers, are involved in and consulted on the work of the NJR as appropriate and are informed of the outcomes achieved in joint replacement surgery;

• Patient awareness of joint replacement outcomes is enhanced to better inform patient choice and patient’s quality of experience, through engagement with patients, patient organisations and providers of care; and

• Appropriate governance and monitoring arrangements are in place to facilitate the use of NJR data to support and enable related research.

Membership 2018/19

During this reporting period, the following changes to the membership of the NJRSC can be reported:

Mr Martyn Porter, NJR Medical Director and Vice Chairman, left at the end of December 2018 and was succeeded by Mr Tim Wilton from 1st January 2019.

Ananda Nanu completed his annual co-opted membership as BOA President in September 2018 and was succeeded by incoming BOA President Professor Philip Turner.

Robin Brittain joined as the new patient representative member, joining the current patient member Gillian Coward from 1st January 2019.

NJR is thankful to all of its members, past and present, for their considerable contribution to the registry. Details of the membership of the NJRSC and each of its sub-committees for 2018/19 can be found in online appendices. Further information on any changes this year can also be found in the Chairman’s introduction.