Part Four: Implant- and unit-level activity and outcomes 2017
Part Four of the annual report gives performance and data entry quality indicators for Trusts, Local Health Boards (many of whom comprise more than one hospital) and independent (private) providers in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man for the 2017 calendar year. Outcomes analysis after hip and knee replacement surgery is also provided for the period 2003 to 2017.
This section now also provides data for implant outliers since 2003 and further information on notification and last usage date.
The full analysis for units can be found in the Part Four online document which is available in the downloads section at
4.1 Implant performance
The Implant Scrutiny Committee reports Level 1 outlier implants to the MHRA. Since the formation of the committee in 2009, there have been four hip stems, seven hip acetabular (cup) components and 23 hip stem/cup combinations reported. Nine knee brands have been notified as level 1 outliers.
An implant is considered to be a Level 1 outlier when its Prosthesis Time Incident Rate (PTIR) is more than twice the PTIR of the group, allowing for confidence intervals. These are shown as the number of revisions per 100 patient-years. As of March 2015, we have started to identify the best performing implants, these would have a PTIR less than half that of their group, allowing for confidence intervals. To date no implants have reached that level.
Hip implant performance
Table 1 Level 1 outlier stems/femoral components reported to MHRA.
Table 2 Level 1 outlier acetabular components reported to MHRA. 
Table 3 Level 1 outlier stem/cup combinations. 
Best performing hip implants
There are no hip implants or combinations performing statistically less than half their expected PTIR.
Knee implant performance
Table 4 Level 1 outlier implants reported to MHRA
Best performing knee implants
There are no knee implants performing statistically less than half their expected PTIR.
4.2 Clinical activity
Overall in 2017, 148 NHS Trusts and Local Health Boards (comprising 248 separate hospitals) and 179 independent hospitals were open and eligible to report patient procedures to the NJR. All units except for three trauma units submitted data in 2017. The proportion of all hip and knee joint replacements entered in to the NJR against those carried out (compliance) is only available by NHS Trust and Local Health Board. No data on this is currently available from private providers and figures would also exclude units in Northern Ireland as compliance data is not available.
• 59% of NHS providers reported 95% or more of the joint replacements they undertook
• 30% of NHS providers reported between 80% and 95%
• 10% of NHS providers reported less than 80%
Of those hospitals submitting data, the proportion of patients who gave permission (consent) for their details to be entered into the NJR were:
NHS hospitals
• 46% of NHS hospitals achieved a consent rate of greater than 95%
• 34% achieved a consent rate of 80% to 95%
• 20% recorded a consent rate of less than 80%
Independent hospitals
• 69% of independent hospitals achieved a consent rate greater than 95%
• 24% achieved a consent rate of 80% to 95%
• 7% recorded a consent rate of less than 80%
Similarly, the proportion of entries in which data is available to enable the patient to be linked to an NHS number (linkability) are listed below:
NHS hospitals
• 88% achieved a proportion of patients with a linkable NHS number greater than 95%
• 10% achieved a proportion of 80% to 95%
• 2% recorded a proportion of linkable records of less than 80%
Independent hospitals
• 81% achieved a proportion of patients with a linkable NHS number greater than 95%
• 14% achieved a proportion of 80% to 95%
• 5% recorded a proportion of linkable records of less than 80%
Note: Independent hospitals might be expected to have lower linkability rates than NHS hospitals, as a proportion of their patients may come from abroad and not have an NHS number. Linkability figures are not currently available for Northern Ireland.
4.3 Outlier units for 90-day mortality and revision rates for the period 2003 to 2017
The observed numbers of revisions of hip and knee replacements for each hospital were compared to the numbers expected given the unit’s case-mix in respect of age, gender and reason for primary surgery. Hospitals with a much higher than expected revision rate for hip and knee replacement have been identified. These hospitals had a revision rate that was above the upper of the 99.8% control limits (these limits approximate to +/-3 standard deviations). We would expect 0.2% (i.e. one in 500) to lie outside the control limits by chance, with approximately half of these (one in 1,000) to be above the upper limit.
When examined over the life of the registry, a total of 29 hospitals reported higher than expected rates of revision for knee replacement and 45 hospitals had higher than expected rates of revision for hip surgery.
However, revisions taken only from the last five years of the registry showed only ten hospitals reporting higher than expected rates for knees, and seven for hips.
The 90-day mortality for hip and knee replacement was calculated using the last five years of data for all hospitals by plotting standardised mortality ratios for each hospital against the expected number of deaths. No hospitals had higher than expected mortality rates for either hip or knee replacement.
Note: The case mix adjustment for mortality includes age, gender and ASA grade. Trauma cases have been excluded from both the hip and knee mortality analyses together with hips implanted for failed hemiarthroplasty or for metastatic cancer (the latter only from November 2014 when recording of this reason began). Also, where both left and right side joints were implanted on the same day, only one side was included in the analysis.
Note: Any units identified as potential outliers in Part Four have been notified. All units are provided with an Annual Clinical Report and additionally have access to an online NJR Management Feedback system.
Important note about the outlier hospitals listed
In earlier annual reports, the NJR reported outlying hospitals based on all cases submitted to the NJR since 1 April 2003. To reflect changes in hospital practices and component use, the NJR now also reports outlying hospitals based on the last five years of data (1 March 2013 to 1 March 2018 inclusive, the latter date being when the dataset was cut). This five year cut of data excludes from the analysis the majority of withdrawn outlier implants, and metal-on-metal total hip replacements, and thus better represents contemporary practice.
Note: 1 Date range 1 April 2003 to 1 March 2018 inclusive. 2 Date range 1
March 2013 to 1 March 2018 inclusive.
Outliers for Hip mortality rates since 2013
None identified
Outliers for Knee mortality rates since 2013
None identified
Outliers for Hip revision rates, all linked primaries from 2003
Ashtead Hospital (Surrey)
Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital
BMI Gisburne Park Hospital (Lancashire)
BMI Sarum Road Hospital (Hampshire)
BMI The Somerfield Hospital (Kent)
Cheltenham General Hospital
Clifton Park Hospital (North Yorkshire)
Conquest Hospital
Homerton University Hospital
KIMS Hospital (Kent)
Llandough Hospital
Maidstone District General Hospital
Medway Maritime Hospital
Musgrove Park Hospital
Nevill Hall Hospital
New Hall Hospital (Wiltshire)
North Tyneside General Hospital
Northampton General Hospital (Acute)
Nuffield Health Brighton Hospital (East Sussex)
Nuffield Health Cheltenham Hospital (Gloucestershire)
Nuffield Health Haywards Heath Hospital (West Sussex)
Nuffield Health Tees Hospital (County Durham)
Nuffield Health Wessex Hospital (Hampshire)
Nuffield Health York Hospital (North Yorkshire)
Pilgrim Hospital
Prince Charles Hospital
Rotherham District General Hospital
Royal Cornwall Hospital (Treliske)
Salisbury District Hospital
Shepton Mallet Treatment Centre (Somerset)
Spire Alexandra Hospital (Kent)
Spire Cardiff Hospital (Glamorgan)
Spire Dunedin Hospital (Berkshire)
Spire Tunbridge Wells Hospital (Kent)
St Albans City Hospital
St Michael's Hospital
Sussex Orthopaedic NHS Treatment Centre
The Berkshire Independent Hospital (Berkshire)
The Royal London Hospital
University Hospital (Coventry)
University Hospital of Hartlepool
University Hospital of North Tees
Wansbeck Hospital
Watford General Hospital
York Hospital
Outliers for Hip revision rates, all linked primaries from 2013
Homerton University Hospital
KIMS Hospital (Kent)
Salisbury District Hospital
Southampton General Hospital
St Richard's Hospital
Wansbeck Hospital
Weston General Hospital
Outliers for Knee revision rates, all linked primaries from 2003
Bradford Royal Infirmary
BMI Bishops Wood Hospital (Middlesex)
BMI Goring Hall Hospital (West Sussex)
BMI The London Independent Hospital (Greater London)
BMI The Meriden Hospital (West Midlands)
Broadgreen Hospital
Castle Hill Hospital
Charing Cross Hospital
Conquest Hospital
County Hospital Louth
Good Hope Hospital
Guy's Hospital
Hinchingbrooke Hospital
Homerton University Hospital
Horton NHS Treatment Centre (Oxfordshire)
Hospital of St Cross
King Edward VII Hospital Sister Agnes (Greater London)
Kings Mill Hospital
Llandough Hospital
New Hall Hospital (Wiltshire)
Southampton General Hospital
Southmead Hospital
Spire Alexandra Hospital (Kent)
Spire Clare Park Hospital (Surrey)
Spire Southampton Hospital (Hampshire)
St Albans City Hospital
St Richard's Hospital
University College Hospital
Withybush General Hospital
Outliers for Knee revision rates, all linked primaries from 2013
BMI The London Independent Hospital (Greater London)
BMI The Meriden Hospital (West Midlands)
Broadgreen Hospital
Ealing Hospital
Guy's Hospital
Heatherwood Hospital
King Edward VII Hospital Sister Agnes (Greater London)
Leighton Hospital
Nevill Hall Hospital
St Richard's Hospital
4.4 Better than expected performance
This year we have again listed hospitals where revision rates are statistically better than expected. The list below shows units that lie below the 99.8% control limit which also achieved greater than 90% compliance in the 2014/15 NJR data quality audit (NHS hospitals only).
Better than expected for Hip revision rates, all linked primaries from 2003
Alexandra Hospital
Bedford Hospital South Wing
Bishop Auckland Hospital
Chapel Allerton Hospital
Harrogate District Hospital
Hereford County Hospital
Ipswich Hospital
Kidderminster Treatment Centre
Manor Hospital
New Cross Hospital
Northern General Hospital
Prince Philip Hospital
Princess Alexandra Hospital
Queen Alexandra Hospital
Queen’s Hospital Burton Upon Trent
Queen’s Medical Centre Nottingham University Hospital
Royal Derby Hospital
Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital (Wonford)
Royal Surrey County Hospital
St Mary's Hospital
Sunderland Royal Hospital
The Great Western Hospital
The Princess Royal Hospital
Wrightington Hospital
Better than expected for Hip revision rates, all linked primaries from 2013
Ipswich Hospital
Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital (Wonford)
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Better than expected for Knee revision rates, all linked
primaries from 2003
Bishop Auckland Hospital
Bronglais General Hospital
Darlington Memorial Hospital
Ipswich Hospital
New Cross Hospital
Princess Alexandra Hospital
Queen’s Hospital Burton Upon Trent
Royal Bournemouth Hospital
Royal Derby Hospital
Russells Hall Hospital
Sandwell General Hospital
St Woolos Hospital
Stepping Hill Hospital
Whipps Cross University Hospital
Worcestershire Royal Hospital
Wrightington Hospital
Better than expected for Knee revision rates, all linked primaries from 2013
None identified