Highlights: NJR reports

The NJR’s Annual Report website is part of a long-term strategy to share its annual data set in a more accessible, responsive and timely manner.  

The NJR reports website was launched in September 2014 and will be updated in September 2018, keeping it in line with the NJR’s 15th Annual Report.  The information is available as either interactive reports or as downloadable pdf files.  

The period covered by the sections ‘Annual Progress’ and ‘Highlights our Work’ relate to financial years, i.e. from 1 April to 31 March.  The data in the other sections cover the calendar year, i.e. from 1 January to 31 December. 

The website also includes other, downloadable documents that are not provided in hard copy. These include:

• Appendices with information about the NJR’s committees.

• Additional papers and publications not included in the hard copy Annual Report

• Prostheses used in knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, and ankle replacements

• Trust, Health Board, HSC, and unit level activity and outcomes


Your views on how the information is presented and what other information or reports could be provided is welcome and can be sent to enquiries@njrcentre.org.uk