Highlights: Component database re-design

The re-classification and re-structuring of the NJR’s component database did not go live in 2017/18 as planned.  Further reviews to the classification were undertaken which involved the German Registry (EPRD), industry, and statistical colleagues.  Subject to a final discussion with EPRD at EFORT in May 2018, it is anticipated that the final classification will be agreed.  The re-classification of hip, knee, and shoulder devices is expected to be completed in 2018/19.

Notwithstanding the delay, suppliers and manufacturers have continued to upload additional data about new implants and the changes to the classification will not affect the effort to date. Work is well underway to ensure that the necessary product identifiers (GTIN and HBIC) are uploaded so that the scanning of barcodes is possible for all components.   

The changes will not affect data entry in any way (other than that, as suppliers adopt either the GS1 or HIBC barcode standards, scanning of the barcodes will become more reliable) but it will enable different and more detailed analyses of implants to be undertaken.  The increased level of detail will also prevent the camouflaging of poor performance by individual components within an otherwise well-performing brand or family of components.

All existing components will be mapped into the new structure thus ensuring that no data is lost and that outlier monitoring and analyses can continue.  Suppliers will be expected to add the additional data for existing components into the new database and this work is already well underway.