Work of the NJR Committees

Work of the NJR Committees

NJR Steering Committee (NJRSC)

Chairman's report 2020/21 - Laurel Powers-Freeling

This section provides brief outlines of the work undertaken by the NJR Steering Committee (NJRSC) and our sub-committees during 2020/21. Although brief, these sections are written with the intent of illustrating the ever-increasing scope and complexity of our work and the valuable commitment made by all committee members to ensure the work of the NJR meets the needs of our patient, clinical, regulatory and industry stakeholders.

NJRSC Structure, Governance and Operating Model:

The NJRSC is designated as a NHS England ‘Committee of Experts’ and our Chairman Laurel Powers-Freeling reports directly to the Medical Director for NHS England. The NJRSC is responsible for setting our strategic direction and for overseeing the successful delivery of our work and closely managing the associated budget. The committee also oversees a supporting structure of nine sub-committees, each responsible for a dedicated area of NJR work and ensuring the delivery of work plans and development activities against agreed objectives.

Key responsibilities of the NJRSC are to ensure that:

• Appropriate advice is provided to the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership, (the legal entity which hosts the NJR on behalf of NHS England Medical Directorate), on operational and financial matters;
• The NJR budget is effectively managed and monitored;
• The NJR sub-committee structure is fit for purpose and that all sub-committees have clear terms of reference, agreed composition, and defined purpose and responsibilities and report outcomes to the NJRSC regularly;
• Outcomes achieved by brand of prostheses, hospital and surgeon are monitored and where these fall below expected performance, are highlighted to enable prompt investigation and follow-up by relevant implant suppliers, regulators, commissioners and providers of orthopaedic care;
• Appropriate stakeholders (patients, clinicians, providers and commissioners of healthcare, regulators, professional societies and implant suppliers) are involved in and consulted on the work of the NJR as appropriate and informed of outcomes achieved in joint replacement surgery;
• Patient awareness of joint replacement outcomes is enhanced to better inform patient choice and quality of experience, through engagement with patients, patient organisations and providers of care;
• Evidence-based purchasing (quality and cost-effectiveness) of joint replacement implants by healthcare providers is supported;
• Post-market surveillance of implants by key stakeholders (implant suppliers, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, Beyond Compliance and Orthopaedic Devices Evaluation Panel) is supported;
• Codes of conduct applied to NJR Contractor(s) in their relationship with key stakeholders are monitored;
• Delivery and quality of work of NJR Contractors is effectively contract managed;
• Accurate, relevant and timely data collected by the NJR, is made available to relevant regulators, commissioners and providers/suppliers of orthopaedic care, in an appropriate format, in order to support clinical governance and patient safety;
• An annual report on the work of the NJR is published and made available in both the English and Welsh languages and in patient-friendly format;
• Appropriate governance and monitoring arrangements are in place to facilitate the use of NJR data to support and enable related research;
• NHS England (and devolved administrations as appropriate) is provided with advice on the NJR’s strategic direction, annual work programme and financial position (including annual review of subscription charges and any proposed change);
• NHS England is updated on the performance of prostheses and good surgical practice, international collaboration work with other national orthopaedic joint registries, and any financial and/or intellectual property implications associated with the licensing of the ‘NJR brand’.

Membership 2020/21

During this reporting period, the following changes to the membership of the NJRSC can be reported:

NHS Trust Management member Rob Hurd stepped down from the NJRSC following his appointment to a new role within the NHS and Mr David Macdonald, Independent Sector representative, also left the committee. New representatives for both roles will be recruited during 2021/22. Robin Brittain, patient representative, was re-appointed as a member for a second term of office from 1/1/2021 to 31/12/24.

At the end of the last financial year, co-opted member Mr Matthew Porteous retired, also stepping down from his roles as Chairman of the NJR Regional Clinical Coordinators Committee [RCC] and Data Quality Committee, and Vice Chairman of the Surgical Performance Committee. He was succeeded by Mr Derek Pegg, who commenced as Chairman of the RCC committee in January 2021 and as Chairman of the Data Quality Committee in April 2021. Pending his appointment, Mr Tim Wilton, NJR Medical Director, undertook the role of acting Chairman of both committees. As Chairman of these two sub-committees, Mr Derek Pegg also joins the NJR Steering Committee as a co-opted member and the extended Executive Committee as a member.

Mr. Don McBride completed his annual co-opted membership as BOA President in September 2020 and was succeeded by incoming BOA President, Mr Bob Handley.

We are thankful to all NJR committee members, past and present, for their considerable contribution to the registry. Details of the membership of the NJRSC and each sub-committee for 2020/21 can be found online in appendices. Further information on changes this year, along with the NJR Chairman’s notes of thanks, can also be found within the Chairman’s Foreword.